Commit bcfaf00b by 翁国栋


parent ea576dc4
......@@ -420,18 +420,9 @@
<if test="type != null and type >= 0">
AND ccd.client_type = #{type}
<if test="customerowner != null and customerowner != ''">
AND ccd.belong_user_name LIKE CONCAT('%', #{customerowner}, '%')
<if test="status != null and status >= 0">
AND ccd.client_status = #{status}
<if test="ifPhone != null and ifPhone != '' and ifPhone == '1'">
AND ccd.client_cellphone LIKE '%1'
<if test="ifPhone != null and ifPhone != '' and ifPhone == '2'">
AND (ccd.client_cellphone IS NULL OR ccd.client_cellphone = '')
<if test="startCreateTime != null and startCreateTime != '' and endCreateTime != null and endCreateTime != '' ">
AND ccd.create_time BETWEEN #{startCreateTime} AND #{endCreateTime}
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