Commit 651652b6 by ilal Committed by chenzg


parent 94528d59
......@@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ public class CrmController {
List<CrmClientData> datas = CrmClientData.builder().build().selectList(new QueryWrapper<CrmClientData>()
.lambda().eq(CrmClientData::getBelongGroup, gid)
.eq(groupId != null && groupId >= 0, CrmClientData::getBelongGroup, groupId)
.eq(type != null && type >= 0, CrmClientData::getClientType, type)
.eq(type != null && type >= 0, CrmClientData::getClientType, type).like(!StrUtil.isBlank(customerowner), CrmClientData::getBelongUserName, customerowner)
.eq(status != null && status >= 0, CrmClientData::getClientStatus, status)
.ge(StringUtils.isNotBlank(startCreateTime), CrmClientData::getCreateTime, startCreateTime)
.le(StringUtils.isNotBlank(endCreateTime), CrmClientData::getCreateTime, endCreateTime)
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